Monday 22 April 2013

Confessions of a shopaholic... my version...

Until I have some real products reviews in mind, I'm just going to post stuff about what's going on, what are my thoughts..etc. It also makes it a bit easier. I am finding it difficult to keep in touch with my friends and catch up, so whoever is interested in my daily/weekly jibber jabber can read these posts. :)

So because I am not a very frequent church goer, let's just treat this as my confessional about my addiction...and of course I will try my hardest to justify it all...haha.

Yes I do have other hobbies and I know life is not just about material things, but there's just something about having a bit of a shop that is so special. Lately for me, I have become addicted to nail polishes, accessories and of course cosmetics (makeup and skincare). Is it just me who get so excited over this stuff, or do I need to go to a doctor? Honestly sometimes I think I should...

Between researching (fashion, beauty) blogs, reviews, tutorials etc, and just seeing all the cool and beautiful people here in London (and all over the world), I find myself always inspired! This feeling of inspiration then makes me curious and I start to become a child again...going to my imaginary world where I am able to imagine having those cool things I see on others...they seem so cool and interesting...I want to be like that too... I'm so gullible!! Whatever... I don't care, it makes me happy!

I think women should never have to explain to anyone why they make purchases especially not to men! There's something about the way WE do it that is so magical, almost ceremonial! The anticipation, getting all dolled up, going through the shops, picking up stuff imagining the possibilities how you can use it with your existing stuff at home...Ahhh..already makes you feel all happy doesn't it? :)

Don't get me wrong there are some rules like (applies to all categories):
If it's on the sales rack, there is a reason why it's there and you should probably leave it.
If you aren't 100% sure then walk around with the item for a bit... 5-10 minutes...I usually end up NOT getting it.
Harmony between quality/fit and price.
When in doubt ask a stranger's opinion. Don't listen to the sales person, they will try and sell it to you even if it's unsuitable.

I have gotten smarter with purchases but...I still can't resist sometimes! :) Especially since working in retail and having to wear all black all the time, you will see, I HAVE TO have tons of accessories and nail polish haha... I have been behaving quite well when it comes to buying hair and beauty items, I think it's because I know more about the products so I am more aware of the products value, and if I do truly need it or not.
I did get a GHD recently and invested in the macademia oil hype for hair...It was totally worth it!

With makeup and skincare I've been a good girl...I am going to wait a bit, I have tons already and now with MAC starting...better try and pace myself!

There's a couple of pictures of some recent stuff (my faves at the moment), they make me happy and perhaps you will like them too and feel inspired as well :)

At the moment I am crazy about these:

Fashion and general "OMG she is fantastic!" :

Beauty, hair and nails of all shapes colors and sizes:

Fave Magazine I freaking LOVE:

Fave YouTube Channels:
The Diva:
The Entertainer and person I would love to meet:
Most Creative:

And here are my pictures :)
Enjoy! :)

Monday 15 April 2013


I just feel like ranting a bit. It doesn't have much to do about makeup, but it does have to do with well being...and I am sure that down the line somewhere it affects "beauty".

You know those days, when you wake up, look in the mirror and either
a) WALK away as fast as possible because you feel your blood boil
b)Stand there and asses the situation that in fact YES you look like shit
Either way for ME it ends the same...I get so upset and angry that I walk to the kitchen and make some nice calorie filled breakfast to crawl back in bed with.

That's it, I am  set for the day. Just another day of total lack of enthusiasm and motivation.
They say it takes 90 days to make and break a habit...I know I have made a terrible habit by now...When did this happen? A few years ago I felt so good about myself...and I felt like it showed as well...I felt like my skin was great too, meaning I hardly even noticed any of my past acne scars or anything.

Now it's like...eww. Where is that girl who worked out every day, was up for a challenge and felt good about herself? Where the heck is she and when is she getting back?!

Now, I don't know how it is for you all, but for me I don't get motivated easily. I'm lazy, I like food preferably sweets,and carbs...Junk food in plain english, and looking at images of models and society "ideals" does not make we want to change or make changes. It has no effect on me...maybe because I just am focused on the face and makeup so much, or perhaps I have learned over the past 10 years that no one is perfect and even models aren't perfect...I'm so used to them.

I think I like to play the blame game. Blame lack of motivation on lack of money, living conditions,work, " I don't have anything to wear", my hair is nasty,my skin is nasty...etc

The only way I know I will get fit again is if firstly I have a home gym and secondly I get angry or I want something very much, so much that I don't even think about anything else... and they only work together.

It's a rare combination. Overall whoever knows me will say I am more than content and stubborn as hell. So for me to get angry, it takes a lot , equally for me to want something so much that it takes over everything else in my life ( I am stubborn in my ways that I usually find a way to get what I want because I know if it's unrealistic I don't even bother...hence the fact I usually get what I want ) it has to be something that I know I will have and get but I just have to put a bit of effort.
Also the home gym thing...let's just say I don't see it happening when I have to share a flat with other space and I am sorry but I would be mortified. I can't help it. AAARGH!!! Now you see my dilemma!

Then comes the next part. When others get involved. I hate it. When others remind me of living and eating healthy , I know they mean well but it just makes me even more demotivated! I OBVIOUSLY know when I am not doing or living the best health lifestyle... I KNOW I own a mirror and I have eyes...and every time I eat some lovely cheese or a yummy cookie I think I shouldn't but I want it! It's the only happy thing I have at that moment! I need more happy stuff in my life. I need to be constantly happy. Is that selfish? Many people are in a much worse position than I am...why am I moaning?! I come from a good family actually a great one...(ok it's not perfect, everyone has issues and things but it is actually a pretty great family), I have lived in many cool places, worked in many exciting events, I'm not a complete idiot and I know what I am doing at least... I also am happy in my personal life...I am just not happy in my mind. I'm not depressed or anything I know that...
I think I'm just fed up and just a bit off track.

Arrgh!! Why??? Why am I where I am? Why do I feel like others are so much more ahead? I hate them.Okay I don't hate them I just will admit I am envious and this is what I think then eventually ties into beauty. No matter how much foundation or cream or what brushes you use or whatever...if internally you are off... you will be off. It shows in the mirror. I hope it doesn't show when others see me at least. Actually I am sure it doesn't! Everyone is so insecure all the time and so preoccupied with their own flaws we never notice the other person's flaws. I know that's a fact after working in an industry where I am like 5 inches away from someone's face and they will say their skin is horrible, then I point out my "war wounds" and they'll be like "Oh I didn't even notice"...I know people don't notice my flaws as much as I do... but I do and it makes me mad and irritated and angry. IS THAT SELFISH???

So what to do next is my question...what to do? Sulk in my pjs all day long? Make excuses?Wait to have constant happiness in my life so I don't feel the need to eat/buy/indulge in momentary happy impulses?

It takes 90 days to BREAK and MAKE a habit...
TOMORROW will be day 1.

Friday 12 April 2013

Catching Up...

Hey everyone!

So I think I owe everyone some insight on my past year...and why I went completely "here today, gone tomorrow" on you all.

Full time, retail sales and services in London's busiest area for one of the Top 3 Beauty companies in the World. It doesn't matter which one. It's more just the rest. I am actually just going to leave it at that, those who can relate will get it and those who can't wouldn't get it anyway! Plus it would be totally unprofessional to go into it.

Now I have changed my circumstances a bit, new company, part time and overall more exciting and creative...let's just say, it's more up my alley.

Over the past year of course, I have come across many new products and different trends and routines.

NEVER underestimate the importance of your brows...just look at Cara Delevingne... I remember seeing in magazines (years ago now) all the hype about fuller brows... I was always kind of like..yeah fine whatever, surely there are more interesting trends at the moment then measly brows.
Now I am at the point where I HAVE TO DO THEM EVERY DAY!! Makes a huge difference!!

WELL ladies and gentlemen, it is NOW time to go grab the following :

  • flat angle brush + matt medium brown powder OR Brow pencil with spoolie ( The color doesn't matter, it's just so you can mark it out for now)
  • some long, straight, thin utensil, like a pencil or cotton bud or another brush.
  • a mirror, preferably a standing one, you will need your hands.
Face straight into the mirror.
Take your utensil and line up the dip of your nostril to the brow bone. DO NOT LINE IT UP TO YOUR TEAR DUCT NOR THE OUTER CORNER OF YOUR NOSE! Mark the area where it hits the brow bone with a line!! (Yes, use your coloring tool). By lining up from the dip of the nose it will SLIM DOWN your nose line... Hello nose job for the broke, like me! Haha.

To get your arch move the utensil from the outer CORNER (not dip) of your nose and look at YOURSELF in the mirror while you line up to the brow bone. Now this is where you can go two ways... either have your utensil go through the center of the pupil OR (and this is the way I prefer it) just along the outer corner of the pupil... The difference is the first version will give you a bit more of a smaller brow and the second version will make it just a tiny bit longer... Do whatever you prefer. Mark the area again with your color tool.
You arch is going to lift the eye area (instant eye lift) and also flatter the high point of your cheeks.

The length of the brow is the easiest, well it's all pretty easy when you think about it ( "Doh" moment ), just line up the outer corner of the nose to where it hits your brow bone and mark it the same way as the previous ones. Hello framed eye area! :) REPEAT ON OTHER SIDE.

When it comes to filling in there are MANY different ways and techniques. I'll do a separate post about just brows and products. Every one likes them differently, I like mine a bit ombre-d, some like them fully colored, angular, rounded, thicker, thinner... etc... for now just play with the markings... and I prefer powder..I think it just looks better to have a shadow behind the brows and no waxy texture pasted on the hairs themselves.

So yes, I have always been a bit mad about textures and always was one to focus more on getting the base right so the foundation portion could stay quite "light".
Well, I have become EVEN MORE obsessed with this now... which makes my routine even LONGER than it was...but hey...if people are going to say I look 23, when I'm actually going on 28...It's SO worth it!!
At the moment I use a minimum of 3 different types...(Conditioning/calming+Smoothing+Illuminising).Will do a separate post on these too... probably a "Basic face makeup routine"...Basic?! HAHAHA whatever, to me it is, but you can just take whatever you want from it...
I mainly am into using them not because "it will keep my makeup on longer" because I don't cake it anyways, but more so I can get away with using less foundation and face powder (which I still HATE on myself).

3.FACE COLOR (contouring, highlighting, blush...etc)
I cannot even tell you how important these steps are...For the past few years now I find myself deviating away from doing bold eyes and/or lip colors/looks...The face itself is the BIGGEST feature of the face SO I kind of think it's top priority. So again, just some more technical bits I am more and more obsessed with...
I am seeing a lot of girls doing some great makeup looks but because the face looks unfinished, there is no harmony and it just looks...unfinished.
Don't get me wrong, you don't need to do all steps of tranny makeup, but if you are doing a strong eye look and your face looks like your just going to the grocery store... ummm no!!

I now have tons and tons of different brushes, but I still feel like I need more! I don't think I have done a specific post about what brushes are great for what, but I no doubt have plenty now, to show you guys which ones are going to be best with various textures and skin types... and by the way REAL TECHNIQUES BRUSHES are my hands down faves!! Not so much the eye ones, I feel like they are kind of clumsy, but the face ones are to die for...Will try and get my hands on some of the limited edition ones...hope they aren't sold out yet.

Because one just isn't enough...need I say more?! Will do a post on my faves and application!

Let me know if anyone has any specific questions or ideas of what they would like me to write about or which topic to start off with.
I also thought of this: Are there any products or collections you are maybe wanting to try out but don't want to just go out and buy it yet, or maybe you don't have it in your country?! Let me know, and I will go and research it for you! :)

I feel like it could take me a while to get back into the routine of making these posts... so bare with :)

Will probably be doing more makeup reviews this time around, which I know I always enjoy researching on other peoples blogs...

Tuesday 13 March 2012


Okay , so again a long time has gone by since I've done any new posts, so I made 3 videos yesterday, and still need to do one more but for now I hope you find these useful!

In order for these videos to be more understandable you may want to check out these web sites for what certain definitions mean or what some ingredients are and how they work ...etc:

In the first video I Talk about some Dermalogica products I got recently on a wonderful website ! ( You can get them in the USA too in stores or at Dermalogica shops/skin care centers...just check on line!)

They ship to HUNGARY as well!!

Their website is great and very easy to navigate! They feature options such as "ask our therapists" where you can email any questions you have concerning the products or skin type and "face mapping" which if you click on they ask a few ( I think too few...) questions about how your skin is, determining which products you should try! I do think that they need to ask more questions in order to get enough info together in order to figure out which products will suit you,'s better than nothing and they do show some alternatives as well.

Another great point of the web site is that, next to each product is not only a list of the active ingredients, but also states what effects they have and how they work! I rarely see stuff like this with product and it's so important!

The prices on the beauty flash site are cheaper than elsewhere, they ship for free within the UK and Ireland, plus you may choose a tester out of a huge list of products as a bonus! (They send 2 little packets, which you can get up to 4-5 uses out of them if you are wise about application)
UPDATE: I just received an email from Beauty Flash that they will have to increase their prices from april! :( Sad, but still worth comparing to retail stores/salons!

Watch the video below to find out more information and see which products I got!!

Second video is about Darphin and CARGO Cheek activator!

The Daprhin product is a cleansing balm, with aromatherapeutic Rosewood!
I talk about it and the benefits of rosewood in the video so not going to write too much about the product itself, just the availability!

USA: (Store and Spa locator!)

UK: (Store and Spa locator!)

Try larger pharmacies such as in Mammut or Westend Shopping centers!!

The second item I talk about is CARGO's Cheek Activator!
I believe you can get Cargo in Sephora, at least I know they used to sell their products.

I got this at Boots and it had a HUGE price reduction the origional price was over 10 pounds and I got this for 4!! SO SO SO worth it! I LOVE it, it gives a perfect natural cheek color and kind of adapts to your skin color.
Usually cream color doesn't stay too well on me but this is super, and dries totally matte.

Third and last video for this post is about my new REAL TECHNIQUES brushes and the effects of smoking on the skin!

If you are a makeup addict and haven't heard of these you MUST MUST MUST do some research on them and watch Pixiwoo on youtube or just search them on there!! Lately everyone is buzzing about them and I was becoming very fascinated by them + needed to get some new brushes so I chose these! Let me tell you these brushes are wonderful! So amazing, that I decided to be a bit selfish and keep them for myself!
I talk and show them in the video a little bit, so here is the info on where you can find them!
( IF YOU want me to do a kind of tutorial on how they work , let me know and I will film a video for that...I didn't because there are tons and tons of them and even Samantha has some on the Real Techniques site!)

USA: ( They used to have more...for some reason they only have the powder brush for now...)

UK and HU (NOT BOOTS!) : (Has also vegan cosmetics and brushes!)

So first off I DO NOT ENCOURAGE SMOKING, but I myself have smoked and I may still once in a while bum one off someone in social situations.
I don't buy them anymore and don't feel the urge to smoke anymore...the last time I had a cigarette I actually felt a bit groggy and sick...I am glad I have arrived to this point!

Having said that, I did this post because many of my friends and people I know are smokers and may be interested in what effects it has on the skin. So in the video that's what I talk about and try to explain in depth ( best to my knowledge ) what the physical effects are.

At the end I also say a couple of ideas to counter act the effects HOWEVER the obvious solution is to QUIT the habit all together!

I hope you will find them useful and will do a Vitamins video as soon as I can, I just have to record it!! :)

I am also planning on doing a post about harmful metals found in decorative cosmetics...I have the info but have to first "process" it then tape it for you all!

If anyone has any more ideas or questions please inbox me or leave a comment here or on my facebook page!

Tuesday 21 February 2012

My top products for a real natural and polished look!!

Hey hey hey...
So here are the top products in my opinion that are great nor creating looks that are very natural. Obviously everyone is free to pick and choose which products they are interested in...I usually wear very minimal makeup ( for the past few years now..) and just do light foundation on super moisturized skin, some eyeliner(s) (brown+black) mascara, blusher and out the door. However I know that some girls/women only feel comfortable wearing a bit more makeup than that.

In these videos I talk about Face products as in foundation, primer, concealer, blush, eyeshadows, mascaras, pencils and lip color that I FEEL suit the criteria of NATURAL makeup. The product I believe will be suitable for all ages. Most of the products are matt but I do talk about some frosty colors and some creamy textures...

I made a few videos and separated them, because I just have a lot of products that I wanted to show you and the first video was just way too long (over 30 min.)...but this is probably better because you can just skip the parts that you aren't interested in!

All of these are from my personal kit, and you don't have to get the exact same ones, but it's just to show you the shades I think suit the category in general.

Keep to matt finish stuff, light weight primers, concealers and foundations... the key is to only enhance your own features slightly and make your skin look as healthy as possible.

Here you go and if you have any questions or suggestions for a next video LET ME KNOW..either on facebook or here! Tootles xx

Face coverage:

Face Color:


Mascara and Lip color:

Monday 20 February 2012

Update Video a.k.a. WHERE THE HECK HAVE I BEEN + my fave YouTube channels!


Finally back, and am very sorry it took this long!! You have now idea how chaotic, stressful and cold the past few weeks have been!! We moved to a new apartment and of corse MANY MANY things were either not working or where just 50% working or just basically totally half assed...

The worst and most crippling issue was that our heating system was so old, it should have been in a wasn't working at all and the entire flat was like an igloo. AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL!

Whatever so I just made a video earlier today about what's been going on but MAINLY about the YouTube channels I check out every day. Now, I watch many different ones but THESE are the BEES KNEES!! They are entertaining, they teach great tips and give useful advise aaaannndd you will be watching videos that are NOT A WASTE OF TIME...although of corse I still love Keyboard Cat and Antoine Dodson song hahahaha ( If you don't know these CHECK them least once )!!

Here is the video and below are the links to the channels!

Short and very informative videos. Goss seems to know his stuff on beauty and skincare and also combated acne and problematic skin, so is well educated in the topic and also does videos like "How to minimize pores with makeup" or "How to clear acne"... etc.
He uses a wide range of products, so I am sure there will be stuff that is affordable and will appeal to any age and budget.
Awesome advice on how to find dupes of high end products in drug stores , what products are rip offs and which ones are great value and quality...

Brilliantly talented and lovely makeup artist sisters.
They mainly do celebrity inspired looks, but they do more red carpet or beauty campaign looks, rather than very "in your face" crazy music video makeup (though they have those too).
The looks they do are very suitable and appropriate I think for any age group and are super wearable.
They also use many different products, so you don't have to feel like everything has to be super expensive for it to look good (YES PEOPLE, some cheaper brands are great too!!!)

Fun and entertaining personality...she is talented and very nice. I think she seems so cool also because she isn't afraid to be herself, which I find very empowering and inspiring. I think today we live in a world where there are so much expectations of how you should look or whatever or else you get stamped as one or more of the following : Moron,Idiot,Ugly,Fat,Whore,Fag,Gay,Stupid...and the list goes on and on... Frankly I am just very tired of this "trend"... the people who do this and talk like this have NO CLUE the real damage they cause.
So, she uses loads of MAC which is great if you are very intrigued by their stuff , or if you are like me and always are a bit overwhelmed, her videos can help you narrow down what you are looking for.
The looks she does are more INTENSE and strong, so those of you looking for more statement makeup you will LOVE her channel! :) (If they are too crazy, you can always just pick out certain points of her looks and make it your own.

The master of creative and drag looks! I don't even have anything to say..just watch his videos and be inspired!! YOU WILL!! PLUS we all know highlighting an contouring is what makes Miss Kimmie (Kardashian) and others (Tyra, Iman, J.Lo..etc) sooo glamourous and the only way to learn how to get those techniques down if you can pull off KILLER Drag makeup skills...!! Take notes!!:)

Probably one of the cutest, sweetest people I have seen on the web. This woman is so cute! She does videos on makeup, hair, DIY projects, lifestyle...everything!! She is very motivating and inspiring! Great videos for all ages and styles! Lots of product reviews, tutorials...etc. I am telling you , if you are sad or feeling down Kandee will make you feel better... I don't know how she does it but ... I know after I watched her last XMAS video on how she decorated her house I felt like a kid again..just so inspiring and uplifting!:)

So those are my main top watched channels on YouTube, but there are a few more great ones...I can do an update post about them sometime if you all would like that... but for now check these out! :)

I'll try to do a post tomorrow too!! Tootles till then ;) xx

Friday 20 January 2012

LiLash 3rd week +2 days review...

Sorry for being late, I was supposed to post this out on wednesday! Honestly the reason for me not doing it, is because I wasn't seeing any progress and wanted to wait, maybe it would get more "exciting".

I usually do the photos in the morning, so it's friday morning now, and I must tell you...MY LASHES ARE ALREADY SUPER LONG!!! :)

Probably I didn't even notice, because the color of them hasn't changed and the tips are quite light/fair...but I just applied a tiny bit of natural looking mascara and...WOW!! I think the photos speak for themselves!

Super excited for the upcoming next weeks :)))...

Crazy though how light the color of my lashes are...huge difference with some mascara...

LEFT eye NO mascara AND WITH mascara:

RIGHT eye NO mascara AND WITH mascara (sorry for the crap photo :S):

So what do you think??