Monday 22 April 2013

Confessions of a shopaholic... my version...

Until I have some real products reviews in mind, I'm just going to post stuff about what's going on, what are my thoughts..etc. It also makes it a bit easier. I am finding it difficult to keep in touch with my friends and catch up, so whoever is interested in my daily/weekly jibber jabber can read these posts. :)

So because I am not a very frequent church goer, let's just treat this as my confessional about my addiction...and of course I will try my hardest to justify it all...haha.

Yes I do have other hobbies and I know life is not just about material things, but there's just something about having a bit of a shop that is so special. Lately for me, I have become addicted to nail polishes, accessories and of course cosmetics (makeup and skincare). Is it just me who get so excited over this stuff, or do I need to go to a doctor? Honestly sometimes I think I should...

Between researching (fashion, beauty) blogs, reviews, tutorials etc, and just seeing all the cool and beautiful people here in London (and all over the world), I find myself always inspired! This feeling of inspiration then makes me curious and I start to become a child again...going to my imaginary world where I am able to imagine having those cool things I see on others...they seem so cool and interesting...I want to be like that too... I'm so gullible!! Whatever... I don't care, it makes me happy!

I think women should never have to explain to anyone why they make purchases especially not to men! There's something about the way WE do it that is so magical, almost ceremonial! The anticipation, getting all dolled up, going through the shops, picking up stuff imagining the possibilities how you can use it with your existing stuff at home...Ahhh..already makes you feel all happy doesn't it? :)

Don't get me wrong there are some rules like (applies to all categories):
If it's on the sales rack, there is a reason why it's there and you should probably leave it.
If you aren't 100% sure then walk around with the item for a bit... 5-10 minutes...I usually end up NOT getting it.
Harmony between quality/fit and price.
When in doubt ask a stranger's opinion. Don't listen to the sales person, they will try and sell it to you even if it's unsuitable.

I have gotten smarter with purchases but...I still can't resist sometimes! :) Especially since working in retail and having to wear all black all the time, you will see, I HAVE TO have tons of accessories and nail polish haha... I have been behaving quite well when it comes to buying hair and beauty items, I think it's because I know more about the products so I am more aware of the products value, and if I do truly need it or not.
I did get a GHD recently and invested in the macademia oil hype for hair...It was totally worth it!

With makeup and skincare I've been a good girl...I am going to wait a bit, I have tons already and now with MAC starting...better try and pace myself!

There's a couple of pictures of some recent stuff (my faves at the moment), they make me happy and perhaps you will like them too and feel inspired as well :)

At the moment I am crazy about these:

Fashion and general "OMG she is fantastic!" :

Beauty, hair and nails of all shapes colors and sizes:

Fave Magazine I freaking LOVE:

Fave YouTube Channels:
The Diva:
The Entertainer and person I would love to meet:
Most Creative:

And here are my pictures :)
Enjoy! :)

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